Innovative Adaptive Electrotherapy

The Revolution of Electrotherapy

Adaptive Electrotherapy

The traditional Electro-Medical devices (both Direct Current and Alternating Current) emit a waveform without any ability of self-regulation for the entire time of application/treatment to the patient.

The constant emission is a characteristic of widespread electrotherapies such as Tens, Tecar, and RadioFrequencies but also of other traditional technologies such as Hyperthermia, Cryotherapy, Ultrasound, Magnetic Fields, Shockwaves, Lasers, which, creating adaptability, and often have low therapeutic value or a limited scope of application.

VESPERZ Electrotherapy Waveforms


VESPERZ ENF the secret is the Feedback

The secret of the ENF technology (Electro Neuro Feedback) is the innovative technology based on feedback. . ENF generates waveforms that change automatically when the impedance of the skin changes, according to a compensation algorithm, i.e. according to Feedback.

This process of continuous regulation of the waveform leads to a bio-electrical rebalancing of the membrane of the cells which form the underlying tissues. In turn, the equilibrium reached supports the regeneration processes that the tissues involved are able to express according to the severity of the damage and the potential of the organism.

The process of adaptation to the stimulus is reduced due to self-regulation following each micro-change. The wide range of protocols gives the ENF device exceptional and high therapeutic potential. The positive effects can obtain from the first therapy. It may happen that chronic cases can be resolved in days, weeks, or even in a single session.

Scientific Research on ENF Therapy

  • The use of Adaptive Neuro-Stimulation for the rebalancing of posture and muscle tone on the players of a football team.
    2019 – University of Chieti, Italy
  • Effectiveness of Electro-Neuro-Feedback on the postoperative outcomes of surgery of the lower third molar.
    2018 – University of Messina, Italy
  • ENF therapy in the treatment of musculoskeletal pathologies.
    2010 – FMSI Institute of Sports Medicine of Turin, Italy
  • ENF therapy in spasticity: a new rehabilitation treatment in upper motor neuron syndrome, evaluation, and correlation between quantitative gait analysis and botulinum toxin.
    2013 – Bianchi-Melacrino-Morelli Hospital of Reggio Calabria, Italy
  • Evaluation and therapeutic applications of Electro Neuro Feedback: a pilot study.
    2015 – University of Lublin (PL)
  • Manual Therapy and Interactive Electro Neuromodulation in the treatment of Spasticity: evaluation of immediate effects.
    2017 – G. D’Annunzio University, Chieti, Italy
  • Skin impedance and myometry (ENF and Myoton): two comparative instruments in the evaluation of acute and chronic somatic dysfunctions.
    2016 – G. D’Annunzio University, Chieti, Italy
  • Lower heel pain in soccer players: a retrospective study with proposed treatment guidelines.
    2015 – XXIV Isokinetic Medical Group Conference, London
  • Manual pressure release and electrical stimulation of peripheral low-grade receptors in nonspecific low back pain: a randomized controlled trial.
    2021 – G. D’Annunzio University, Chieti, Italy

the full versions of the scientific research

Adaptive Electrotherapy Treatment Phases

Phase 1

The Initial Diagnosis

The doctor/physician will search for the treatment points during this phase; The skin is a projection surface of bio-electrical reactions. In the presence of pathology, the skin surface has an altered impedance. The ENF technology “in a similar way to a surface electromyography” offers the possibility to identify the point or area of modification of the skin response and create a complete diagnostic mapping. This feature is useful for guiding subsequent treatment, especially when the patient’s condition is complicated and a differential diagnosis is needed.

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Phase 2

Bio-Electric Balance Treatment

The second phase involves the selection of the therapeutic effect suitable for the situation, chosen by the physician according to the pathological conditions of the anatomical structure that showed the unnatural reaction during the diagnosis phase.
The wide availability of treatments and the versatility of ENF therapy leads to the rapid achievement of high-quality results in many pathologies.

Adaptive Electrotherapy

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